How to Find Product to Sell on Amazon
We’ve covered finding profitable products to sell in the past but we have never put it together in a comprehensive post like this.
Here’s the deal:
Without a profitable product to sell you have no Amazon business.
When starting to sell on Amazon this is the part most people tend to overlook and rush. One of the biggest questions that we get over email is “How do you find a profitable product to sell”
What people actually mean is “Can you tell me which product to sell” and it’s not that simple. A profitable product falls at the intersection of your interests and profit margin.
Step 1: Narrow Your Product Research Criteria
You want your first product to be what’s called your “beach head” product. It’s one that generates sales for you right away and then you can branch out from.
Trying to pick a niche when first starting out can become difficult and overwhelm you.
Our goal is to make this process as roadblock free as possible. That way you can get motivated and continue to make progress.
Startupbros doesn’t believe in profitable niches but instead profitable products.
So, we need to establish the bare minimum requirements that determine a good product to sell.
This is the Startupbros Guidelines to Finding A Profitable Product to Sell.
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Also, look at products under sponsored ads selling on Amazon. If someone is spending money advertising them then there’s a good chance the product is selling well.
Just like there is a good criteria for product selection, there are characteristics we need to avoid.
This is the Startupbros Guidlines for Bad Products to Sell On Amazon:
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Take these tips with you and start thinking about what items you want to start researching.
Avoid Restricted Amazon Categories
Amazon requires that you apply and gain approval to sell in certain categories. Check out the restricted categories here: Amazon restricted categories
I would recommend that the name of the game is to start making sales quickly.
The more time you spend trying to get yourself ungated the less time you have to test products. Save selling in restricted categories for when you have more time and money to spend on ungating services.
Step 2: Select the Right Online Tools for Amazon Product Research
These tools don’t select products to sell on Amazon for you. And there’s no tool out there that can select the best product for you to sell. So, you need to learn how to make the best decision with the best data available to you.
These tools allow you to sort your ideas and filter out bad ones from good ones based on the criteria we mentioned above.
Therefore, we recommend 3 tools for Amazon Product Research:
#1: The Startupbros Product Research Workbook
Figuring out what product to buy and sell on Amazon doesn’t have to be enormously complicated.
This is our proprietary Product Research Workbook. And we use it to keep track of everything when searching for your first product to make a sale on Amazon.
I’ll explain with an example:
If you have our workbook then it can be as simple as putting the numbers into the spreadsheet.
Check out the video below to see how we teach product research and do it yourself!
#2: Jungle Scout Product Research Tool
One thing we don’t recommend is to start selling any of the items we research in the videos. We’re teaching you how to do your own research and depending on when you’re reading this the numbers are potentially different.
#3: Unicorn Smasher Product Research Tool (FREE)
Unicorn Smasher is a free online Chrome extension that gives you sales data on particular categories on Amazon. The data is not as accurate as it is on Jungle Scout but if you want to save on money then try this free option.
Now that you’ve selected a product to sell on Amazon and start your business then it’s time to move on finding a supplier for your product.
If you’ve followed our guidelines then you should have at least 3 to 5 products you want to start selling on Amazon.
There’s a single point that we want to get across and it’s that there is no perfect product. The perfect product is the one you choose to execute on and fully optimize better than your competitors which is what we’re going to teach you later in the article.