If you are one of those people who fought with belly fat for a long time, you probably know how hard is to deal with it. But, now you can feel relieved because there is a drink that will help you to eliminate excess belly fat once and for all.
When you are asleep, your metabolism is slower than when you are awake. Therefore, we offer you a drink that will accelerate your metabolism, so your body can burn calories while you are sleeping. Awesome!
How ingredients included in this drink help you burn fat:
Cucumbers: Everyday intake of cucumbers is very helpful in reducing stomach fat, because they are extremely low in calories (45 calories in one full cucumber), have great amount of water and fiber and are very refreshing.
Parsley and Cilantro: Low in calories, high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Help to ease water retention and do not cause any feeling of bloating or stomach disturbances.
Lemon: Lemon is essential for removing all accumulated toxins of the body. This accelerates the process of fat melting while fat metabolism increases until the system gets rid of impurities.
Ginger: Ginger is responsible for accelerating the metabolism, preventing constipation and melting excess belly fat. Compounds in ginger work in synergy and thus prevent overeating and blast belly fat fast.
Aloe Vera Juice: Rich in natural antioxidants that prevent the free radicals growth in the body, has anti-inflammatory properties, stimulates the metabolic rate and provides greater energy consumption. Additionally, reduces the body mass index (BMI).
- 1 cucumber
- A bunch of parsley or cilantro
- 1 lemon
- 1 tbsp. grated fresh ginger
- 1 tbsp. Aloe Vera juice
- ½ glass of water
Mix all the ingredients together in a juicer. With regular consumption of this extremely amazing drink before sleep, you will reduce belly fat once and for all!
source: fitfoodhouse.net