Sip red wine.
Red wine contains the compound resveratrol, which may help ward offAlzheimer’s disease. Its ability to lower cholesterol levels also helps prevent plaque buildup in your entire body, including your brain.
It’s common to experience a little memory loss as you age, but much like muscles, the more exercise you give your brain, the stronger it will be. And you don’t need any crazy products or regimens to stay sharp: These simple lifestyle tips can keep your brain young for years.
Give your mind a workout.
Practice brain games, fill in crossword puzzles, and do memory exercises that stress verbal skills. Give these 7 fun brain games a try.
Bite into brain foods.

Enrich your diet with plenty of omega-3 fats (hello, salmon!), low-glycemic-index carbohydrates (e.g., whole grains), and antioxidants. And consider eating several smaller meals throughout the day. Eating five small meals prevents dips in blood glucose levels, and glucose is the primary energy source for the brain.MORE: 20 Delicious Ideas For Salmon
Keep your body fit.

Stretching and relaxation exercises help keep anxiety in check. Stress causes the body to release cortisol, and cortisol has been found to shrink the memory centers in the brain, which results in impaired memory.Meditation has also been proven to substantially improve memory. (These 2-minute stress solutions can help.)Check your iron.
Iron helps the neurotransmitters essential to memory function properly—and your body may be sensitive to low amounts. In one study, women low in iron missed twice as many memory questions as women with adequate levels.
MORE: The Scary Way The Amount Of Sugar You Eat Could Seriously Up Your Alzheimer’s Risk
Don’t multitask.

The plaque buildup caused by high cholesterol doesn’t only damage the veins of your heart, but blockage of the blood vessels in your brain can also deprive it of valuable nutrients and cue memory problems. And it doesn’t take much plaque to block the tiny vessels, so check your cholesterol levels regularly. Add these 12 foods that lower cholesterol naturally to your diet.Check your meds.
Many prescription drugs can affect your memory, and the older you are, the longer drugs stay in your system. Drugs that can cause memory lapses include antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, beta-blockers, chemotherapy, Parkinson’s drugs, sleeping pills, painkillers, antihistamines, and statins. (Learn the drug-free way to beat brain fog and stave off postmenopausal weight gain with The Natural Menopause Solution.)
Eat an apple a day…